Frequently Asked Questions
If you don't see your question, you can call Thornton's Gas Service at (530) 656-2485 and we will be happy to answer any question's that you may have.

●  Put out all smoking materials and open flames.

●  Get everyone out of the building.

●  Do Not operate lights, appliances, telephones, or cellphones. Sparks from these sources could trigger an explotion or a fire.

●  Turn off the main gas supply valve on your propane tank. To close the valve, turn it clockwise.

●  Call Thornton's Gas Service and/or your local fire department from a cellphone outside the building or a neighbor's phone.

●  Do not return to the building untill a Thornton's Gas representative or a fire department official determines that it is safe to do so.  

●  Do not turn on the gas supply valve.  Your Thornton's Gas Service representative will do that and they will pressure test your system and relight the pilot lights on your appliances.  



What should I do if I smell propane outside my house?

●  Approach the tank cautiously to determine if you can see or hear a leak at the regulator(s), pigtail, gas lines or relief valve.

●  If the leak is coming from the regulator(s), pigtail or gas lines then turn off the main valve and move away from the tank.  Call Thornton's Gas Service at (530) 656-2485.

●  If the leak is coming from the relief valve, move away from the tank.  Call Thornton's Gas Service at (530) 656-2485.
●  If you don't see or hear a leak, read your tank gauge to determine if your tank is nearly empty. The odorant used in propane is especially strong when the tank is nearly empty. If the tank is nearly empty, call Thornton's Gas Service at (530) 656-2485.

● Determine if you might have just had a delivery of propane in which case a small amount of propane may have been released into the air at that time.  If the smell persists, Call Thornton's Gas Service at (530) 656-2485.

How do I set up service?

Call Thornton's Gas Service at (530) 656-2485.  We will ask you for the following information:

●  Name, address and phone number.

●  What appliances use propane, for example: furnace, clothes dryer. The type of appliances help us determine what size tank we need to install to meet your needs.

●  What company is currently supplying you with propane? We cannot fill a tank belonging to another company.

●  What size tank you have now.

●  Are you the owner of the property or do you have a landlord?

We will then set up an installation date to hook up our tank(s), light your pilots and pressure test your system.
